Monday, August 23, 2010

MGT501 Assignment # 1 Solution

Loss of intellectual property is a debatable issue faced by organizations in developing Countries. Give any ten reasons of brain drain in Pakistan .What Policies HR consultants should develop for helping the organizations to cope with the brain drain issue?
Countries are facing brain drain problem. Specialists in their respective fields are migrating from developing countries to protect their future. Usually doctors, Engineers, software developer’s .scholars, research professionals are the part of Brain drain pool. This outflow of intellectual property has spelled murkiness for the development of the countries.
There are many reasons for the brain drain in Pakistan.
• When people go abroad for higher education do not return to their resident country
• Redundancy rate is high in Pakistan.
• Wage rates are very nominal in Pakistan
• Lack of inadequate training and developmental facilities for the students and professionals.
• Discrimination in employment at every level from recruitment to selection.
• Low quality of work life in Pakistan.
• Political instability and corruption
• Weak economic position.
• Industrial decline.
• Personal influence of spouse ,family and friends
What Policies and procedures HR consultants should develop for coping with the brain drain issue?
Brain drain is additional development challenge and coherent policies are needed to cope with the issue .Human resource consultant can assist the organizations for dealing with the dilemma of brain drain.
Accommodation of workers needs
Devise policies to have room for the needs of workers with the organizational goals. People have hierarchies of needs .The Hr consultant should plan the strategies to accommodate the physiological needs to self actualization needs of workers. It will keep the People motivated and develop the organization citizenship behavior.
Development of policies for ethical recruitment.
Recruitment process is not transparent. It is compelling reason for migration of Intellectual property .Hr professionals should make translucent recruitment system So that skilled people find compatible jobs and remain satisfied in their own country.
Design the compensation system to attract the intellectual people.
Hr policy makers should design the Wage rates system which should compensates the workers according to the qualification and experience. Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards should be the part of basic pay scale system
Propose the frame work for improving quality of work life
HR consultants should Shape the frame work by which employees can enhance their Personal lives through their work environment and experiences .High quality of
Work life will create the job satisfaction among the human resource.
Draw the skeleton for development and training needs of professionals
Hr consultants should arrange donors who should provide funds for the training and developmental needs of Professional’s .So they can fulfill their needs and strengthen their knowledge. They would be more satisfied and less likely to migrate.

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